2021: A New Year // Looking Ahead

2021 – welcome to a brand new year filled with endless hope and possibility. After the year that has been, we thought it would be good to share with you some of the lessons learned as they relate to living a better and more fulfilled life.

Anything as big as the pandemic we have experienced creates the opportunity for new thinking. If the size of the crisis is associated to the amount of new learning it can generate, my hope is that we will become better people for it when we emerge in the new normal.

New and expanded points of view are generally a good thing. In fact, the roots of the word “emergency” come from the Latin “emergere” meaning to rise up or out. Here are a handful of lessons we’ll surely learn - building our capabilities for the years to come:

The Long View

With a narrow perspective, current reality can be even more challenging, but by taking a longer-term view, you can reassure yourself that current realities will shift, and GOOD things will come - ultimately - from today’s experiences and lessons. As Warren Buffet said, “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone else planted a tree a long time ago.” Take the long view.


This is a time when everything feels out of sync, out of balance and uncertain. We are constantly having to reset and re-orient ourselves. Just when we’ve adapted ourselves to our company’s sending us home to work, we have to adjust to a salary reduction to accommodate the devastating impact on our economy and how it has effected all of our businesses. Constant change can be disorienting, and this is hard both mentally and emotionally. Resilience is enhanced by having a clear view of reality, a sense of meaning and an ability to improvise. Resilience is both a personality trait and a skill. Hard times may be easier if it’s part of your character, but it’s also a competence (a muscle, really), you can develop through today’s challenging times.


The word creative comes from the Latin ‘creo’ meaning to create or make. We think of creativity most commonly in terms of the arts; things like music, books and movies. But creativity is so much bigger than that. It drives to think differently. To problem solve. Creativity is the ability to generate and apply new ideas in different contexts seeing existing situations in new ways. Embrace your new ideas and leverage your expanded perspectives in the new days ahead.

Community & Connections

Nothing is automatic anymore and you can’t just run into people at the coffee shop on your way to work or the work café over lunch. On the other hand, you’re learning just how important friends and co-workers are. If there is one thing the pandemic has taught us it is that we humans are wired for human connection. When we have to put more effort into maintaining relationships, we learn just how important they are. You likely have the opportunity to find new ways to stay in touch whether through video conference, a social distance coffee with a friend, a slack chain or even shouting across the street to neighbours as you respect physical distances. Staying connected with other human beings and having meaningful relationships is good for your mental and emotional health. However you choose to connect with others is up to you. The lesson is in the importance of strong relationships.


Being grateful for everyday things and people is critical to our happiness. This is a time when you can expand your gratitude ten-fold. Whether you’re appreciating the companionship of a pet, extended time with family or the bond you are building with coworkers through shared tough times, there are plenty of opportunities to be grateful. When you have to do more for yourself, you realise how much you typically rely on those around you - and how meaningful their contributions are.

A new year really is a powerful occasion. It’s a time when we reflect on the past and our hopes for the future. It’s a chance to welcome a fresh start. To reimagine the sort of world we want to create and what our part in that is going to be.

From one neighbour to another, we wish you all the very best.

Be GOOD to one another.


Our Top 5 Learnings from 2020


Neighbourgood News | October